It's like looking in your toilet bowl and being profoundly surprised by what you find there...

I have a super strong feeling that because of something or other many of you might've missed on a fabulously horrid genre initially mis-dubbed as 'Weird Punk', then punningly and horrifyingly christened shitgaze.

I suppose i'd prefer to call it Lo-Fi Noise Pop/Rock, or even Lo-Fi Garage if I had to, but, all gentrification aside, it is simply amazing - a wall of horridly recorded guitars, drums and keys blaring out at you as if from a broken car speaker, hurting your ears in the most delightful ways.
The most amazing thing about this for me is that hidden under all the miasma and viscera of broken guitars and vocals, they collide beautifully, creating tones that simply could not have been there without the 'help' of bad recording processes.

Anyhoo, if i haven't chased you away, then stick around enough to click on some of the stuff below.

Eat Skull are probably one of my favouritest of all the shitty-gazey bands, here's one of their complete winners. It's probably one of the most rocken roll songs I've ever heard. Ever.
Turn it up loud and wait for 1:21

Eat Skull - Heaven's Stranger off their 2k9 album, Wild and Inside.

This is one of the sweetest love songs with city destruction in i've ever heard:
"If I burn this city down, you'll just build another one - better than it was//And i'd go to Jail... make you a license plate that says: 'You're Great!' "

Eat Skull - No Intelligence [off the Dead Families EP]

Other band worthy of major mention:
Times New Viking [hot bitch in the band playing keys, FTW].
Checkitout ---> TNV - Move To California (Rockenroll)
Keys ---> TNV - City On Drugs